Sunday, March 1, 2009


Yesterday turned out to be a pretty awesome day! Not much went wrong.... and when the PA took a while to get to the venue, it worked out for the better anyway! I wish I had photos of the set up, but we had sooooo much amazing vegan baked goods and savoury treats.
Highlights include:
- Yells' white chocolate truffles (Achocalypse)
- McNab's Choc peanut butter cheesecake ala East Brunswick Club
- Boobies cupcakes, they ruled!
- Jaki's pizza
Everything LOOKED awesome, even if I didn't get a chance to eat it all.

The raffle was pretty successful too. So much stuff was donated, I wanted to win! Dave won 4th prize, I think? We got some CD's and heaps of awesome stickers.

Bands were organised and even though it was a mixed bill, everyone got a crowd. A Death In The Family were definitely my highlight. People in America should definitely go see them in the US with Gaslight Anthem in the coming months.

Clean up at the end was hectic, but whatever!

People kept thanking me for organising it, but all I did was notice an opportunity for everyone to come together and help out. We all worked pretty damn hard. Now, I look forward to a few weeks of not calling bands/venues/security companies etc etc etc

My next thing..... not a benefit this time, but I need to put on a show with Bodyjar headlining. Its selfish, I just really wanna see them play an all ages DIY show as opposed to the Espy, uck.

In the words of Insted:
"You and me - We'll make the difference.
What they will say is...
"Just another unity song".
The more, the better.
To us they are wrong"

Here's Waffle this morning, she was hanging around my legs while I was sitting on the computer.....

1 comment:

  1. here's a shot: lena took this one >>>>
